A Working List of the Things I Love…

I thought I would share some of the things I enjoy most about living my life, and I invite you to reflect on yours, too.

To be honest, this is partially an exercise in getting over my perfectionism and to get my writing juices flowing. Maybe these will be future blog topics!

So…these are a few of my favorite things! (Yes, said in a sing-song voice, and in no particular order.)

healthy eating
cooking healthy food
sharing said healthy food with those I love
watching people try new foods
my fur-babies
running (sometimes)working out
men’s singing voices
Tamora Pierce’s Tortall books…
the sun on my skin on a cool day
falling asleep listening to the sounds of nature
changing seasons (fall is my favorite!)
geeking out with friends
religious studies
thinking of ideas of how to be more sustainable
bringing some of those ideas into fruition with what I have to work with now…
thinking of my Zombie Apocalypse plan (don’t tell me you don’t have one!)
finding edible plants where I least expect them (like that one time I found ground cherries at my boyfriend’s place!)
adult activity
learning about frugality
day dreaming
watching TED talks
bettering myself daily
that Luminosity game Trouble Brewing
being in the flow and knowing what I’m doing
knowing the shit that I’m talking about and educating others about the options they have
sharing ideas
reading blogs
researching natural living
implementing natural living strategies
barefoot shoes
walking barefoot on grass, dirt, the beach…
the ocean
admiring others’ artwork
giving tarot readings
everyday magick
alternative living
people (some more than others!)
red raspberries
nature walks
salt (the good kind!)
wine (and wineries)
beer (and breweries)
buying local
functional decoration
scheduling and timeline
family maps

…so there we have it! I have a free shipping special promo code for those who read my blog, so don’t forget to add the code THX4RDNG on orders over $15 for free shipping in the US.

If you can’t afford $15 worth of awesome physical products from my shop right now, to celebrate fall I’m doing free shipping on orders over $10 with the coupon code FALL15.

I hope you all have a great rest of your week! Thanks for reading!
