Happy Earth Day!

Hello, all!

I thought I would take this opportunity to celebrate Earth Day with a list of practical things that individuals can do to help Co-Create the Healing of Mother Earth. At the end, I’ll show you some practical things that I do in my business that help cut down on costs and carbon footprint.

One of my biggest complaints during school when it came to learning about environmental stuff was that there wasn’t a lot of emphasis on the positive things that we could do to help Mother Earth…it was all doom-and-gloom, while I was screaming inside, “OKAY, OKAY ENOUGH ALREADY! WTH CAN I DO ABOUT IT????”

So I’ve come up with a short list of practical things you and I can do to help the Earth. I’m sure you’ve seen lists like these before, but here it goes anyway.


First and foremost, KEEP YOURSELF HEALTHY!! It is my firm belief that unhealthy or injured individuals suck up a shit-ton of resources that could be put to better use. Eat the right foods for your body, do the right kind and the right amount of exercise for your body, and keep your nearby environment healthy–free of toxins, carcinogenic cleaning products, or even the smell-good stuff that lowers your immune system. (Email me at sunshine.hideaway@yahoo.com if you’d like to know more about keeping yourself and your environment healthy!)
Second, become a conscious consumer. How is that item your purchasing made? How is it packaged? How was it transported? Is it a healthy item? Where was it made? Who am I supporting if I purchase this item? Will it enhance my life in some way? Will I be able to eat or drink it and feel good, look at it and smile, use it efficiently, or give it to someone who will appreciate it? These are just a few of the questions that one should consider on the road to being a conscious consumer.
Third, every so often, take a technology day off! Don’t drive your car, walk, bike, or ride your unicorn to work or errands. Unplug all your devices, leave the lights and cell phones off and have dinner by candlelight with your loved one or the entire family. Go outside and enjoy the natural beauty all around us. Even big city-scapes have parks and trees! Smell those flowers, love!!
As promised, I’ll keep my list short and jump off my soap box a little bit and show you some pictures as to how I help keep my business eco-friendly. Who doesn’t like a little (or a lot of) transparency in business, anyway?
First, with all the weaving I’ve been doing lately, there’s a lot of yarn leftover that just doesn’t get used in my pretty projects. So I’ve been saving these scraps, and will give them out to friends who make stuffed animals to use for stuffing, or put them outside to help birds and other animals do their nesting. It’s great that I can help others in this way because it helps keep scraps out of the landfills.
Look at all that pretty yarn that will be going to good use someday!
Another thing that I like to do is  work with local businesses as suppliers for my creative projects. Recently, I’ve created some upcycled bottle cap earrings and keychains, and, since I don’t drink pop (see #1 in the list above), I needed to get some pop bottle caps. One local business here in town, Toys Forever, has an old Pepsi machine with a bottle cap opener and collector, and they let me have some bottle caps to clean and use in my projects. This is a great model and hobby shop that has numerous gadgets for the entire family–from RC cars to trains, from drones to airplanes, and even Melissa & Doug and Lego goods for the kiddos!
This picture is of a spread from a recent event for Muncie OUTreach, where I volunteer. I donated the rainbow tapestry as a silent auction for the event and was able to sell some of my earrings and keychains, too!
Another shop I like to go to is Yarn Stories. They have a great selection for those looking to do anything fiber arts, and the ladies there are always willing to give inspirational tips and tricks for those knitting or crocheting (or, in my case, weaving!) their next projects. They also serve as a hang-out spot for those interested in learning to knit or crochet…and have a wonderful bunny named Stitch who lives in the shop and gives the shop an extra adorable-factor.
Image credit: Yarn Stories
Finally, another thing I enjoy doing in my personal life as well as my business life is reusing paper!! It’s a great way to make sure you get the most out of what you’re already getting, so you might as well see what you can come up with!
Recently, I’ve been using scraps of paper to help keep track of my weaving projects.
Here’s an old envelope that I cut and was able to use the inside to help keep track of my latest weaving project. (And, BONUS! Yes, that’s recycled cardboard I use for weaving.)
I also use scraps of paper to hold inspirational quotes like, “Be a GOAL Digger” and “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth. ~Muhammad Ali”
Please let me know how I can help support you in finding the best way YOU can become more earth-friendly. Let’s help lift each other up and inspire one another!
Spark and Faithful


Please remember I’ve set a big and scary sales goal for my shop this year, so, if you love me or my products and services, then please please PLEEEAASE help me out by spreading the word. Share this blog, my Twitter page, my Pinterest page, or my Facebook page with anyone you think would connect well with my products. Or email me at sunshine.hideaway@yahoo.com to send me your physical address so I can send you my business cards!

And, of course:

Thank you so much for being the best blog readers and customers in the world! And because you’re the best, and I love you, I’ve made a new coupon code for 2016! BLOGREADER16 will get you guys 15% off any purchase over $5, and is good until the end of this year! Toodles!

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