Introducing…Beginner’s Weaving Classes!!

Hello, hello! Sorry it’s been a while (I feel like I make such a silly excuse every single time!)…one of these days, I’ll make it so I don’t have to make that excuse! Promise. 🙂

So, this week, I set it in stone that I’m going to partner up with a local yarn shop here in Muncie called Yarn Stories to do beginner’s weaving classes! This is going to be such a great learning opportunity, folks–for you, AND for me! I’m so excited!

Ideas for what you guys could make during these beginner’s classes: short scarves, hot pads, planter coasters, or drink coasters.

We would be using my own rigid heddle loom and I would teach you basic terminology, and you would get to take your project home with you in just a few hours’ worth of work.

Imagine, people coming over to your house for the first time, and complementing that beautiful table runner with the unique colors and soft texture. Imagine the look on their faces when you say you made it yourself!

So far, I’ve not yet decided 100% on prices yet, but be sure to pop over to my Facebook page and like it so you can keep up-to-date on this exciting new development!

Spark and Faithful


Please remember I’ve set a big and scary sales goal for my shop this year, so, if you love me or my products and services, then please please PLEEEAASE help me out by spreading the word. Share this blog, my Twitter page, my Pinterest page, or my Facebook page with anyone you think would connect well with my products. Or email me at to send me your physical address so I can send you my business cards!

And, of course:

Thank you so much for being the best blog readers and customers in the world! And because you’re the best, and I love you, I’ve made a new coupon code for 2016! BLOGREADER16 will get you guys 15% off any purchase over $5, and is good until the end of this year! Toodles!

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